Software engineering - BCA 16 - 19 Sem 6 Jan 2019

First Internal Assessment Examination, Jan 2019
Department of  BCA, Semester 6

Total : 50 marks                                                                    Time: 2 Hours
Section A
Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 mark.
1.     What is software engineering?
A discipline whose aim is the production of quality software that delivered on time within budget and that satisfies its requirement.
2.     What are the components of a Software?
Software=program+documentation + operating system.
3.     What is Software Process?
The way in which we produce a software.
4.What id SDLC?
            SDLC is a process followed for a software project, within a software organization. It consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain, replace and alter or enhance specific software. The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the overall development process
5. What is Requirement Engineering?
                                                                                                (5 X 1 = 5 marks)
Section B
Answer any 5 questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
6. List out the components of Documentation Manuals.
        Page no-5 (fig-1.2)
            Analysis,design,implimenmtaion,testing(and the sub components)
7. Explain Real time software and Business Software with example.
            Real time software --Softwares are used to monitor , control and analyse real world events as they occur.(weather forcasting)
            Business Software—softwares designed to process business applications.(ERP,MIS)

8. Explain Build & Fix Model.
Build and fix model is an adhoc approach and not well defined. It is  a simple two phase model. The first phase is to write code and the next phase is to fix it.

9.List out the categories for selecting a suitable life cycle model.
            Requirements,development team,users,project type and associated work.
10.Explain three types of Requirements.
Known, unkonown, undreamt reqirements.
11. What is Feasibility study?
            An evaluation or analyst of the potential impact of a proposed project or program.
(5 X 2 = 10 marks)
Section C
Answer any 5 questions. Each question carries 4 marks.

12. Explain Software Process.
            Page no;- 6
            Software Process is The way in which we produce a software.
Reasons to improve software process;- not enough time, lack of knowlwdge, wrong motivation,insufficient commitment.

13. Explain Software Characteristics with necessary diagrams.
            Software does not wearout,software is not manufactured,reusability of components,software is flexible.
14. Explain Waterfall Model.
Diagrammatic representation resembles a cascade of waterfalls
Explain every stages in detail.
15. Explain Crucial Process steps and Present state of Practice of Requirement Engineering.
            Requirements describes the what of the system not the how. Requirements engineering produces one large document written in a natural language, containing a description of what the system  will do without describing how it will do.
Crucial process steps;- requirement elicitation, requirement analyst, , requirement documentation, , requirement Review
Present state of practice;- , requirements are difficult to uncover,over reliance on CASE tools, tight project schedule,communication barriers, market driven software development, lack of resourcces.
 16. Explain FAST.
            The objective of FAST is to bridge the expectation  gap.
            Explain in detail FAST session prepations and activities of FAST session
17. Explain Software Myths.
            Software is easy to change, computers provide greater realiability than the devices they replace,Testing software or providing software correct can remove all the errors,reusing software increase safety, software can work right at the first time,software can be designed thoroughly enogh to avoid most integration problems,software with more features is better software, addition of more software engineers will make up the delay, aim is to develop working programs.
(5 X 4= 20 marks)
Section D
Answer any 1 question. Question carries15 marks.
18. Explain Increment Process Model & Evolutionary Process Model.
            Increment process models;- description-(1 marks)
            Iterative enhancement model:-decription-figure(3 marks)
            RAD model:-decription-figure(3 marks)
            Evolutionary process model:- description(1 marks)
            Prototyping model:- description- figure(3 marks)
            Spiral model:- description- figure(4 marks)
19. Explain Requirement Engineering and any four types of Requirement Elicitation.
            Requirement Engineering:- description(3 marks)
            Reqirement Elicitation-Interviws(3 marks)- Brainstorming session(3 marks)s-FAST(3 marks)-Quality function deployment(3 marks),
(or)The use case approach
(1 X 15 = 15 marks)

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