Operational Research B.C.A 17-20 Sem4

First Internal Assessment Examination, FEB 2019
Department of  B.C.A    , Semester IV
Operational Research
Time    : 2 hours                                                                           Total:  50 Marks
Section A
1.Objective function is of the form z= c1x1+ c2x2+……………+ cnxn, x1,…………..xn are decision variables.
2.Formulating the problem , constructing the model , deriving the solution ,Testing the validity, controlling the solution, implementing the result.
3.Graphical method is used for solving  L.P.P.If a problem containing more than 2 variables we can’t solve this method. If there are many constraints graphical method can’t be used.
4.The are one time models. They represent the system at a specified time and do not take into account the changes over time.Dynamic models for situation in which time often plays an important role
5.(i) logical and systematic approach (ii) indicates limitations and scope of the problem(iii)make the over all structure of the problem more comprehensible.
6.If a constraint has ≤(≥)then in order to make it an equality we add slack (surplus) variables
                                                                        Section B

7.(0,0) ,z= 0
   (2,0) ,z= -2
    (4,2) , z=0
    (2,4), z= 6
    (0, 10/3), z=20/3
8. Explain any three models
9.x=20,y=0, z=2000
10.In defence,industry, planning, agriculture, transport.
11.Proportionality, additivity, Divisibility,certainity, finiteness, optimality
12.(0,0), z=0
      (400,0), z=2000
      (400,200), z=2600
      (0, 700), z=2100
Section C
13.x=2, y=0, z=10
14.x=4500/13, y=2100/13, z=2700


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