System Analysis & Software Engineering, Semester 4(2019-22), Model Examination OCT 2021
Model Examination, October 2021
Total : 80 marks Time: 3 hours
Section A
Answer any 6 questions. Each question carries 3 marks.
(Write in not less than a paragraph)
Define business information systems.
It is a system that uses resources to convert data into the information needed to accomplish the purposes of is a system of sub systems. They include 9 systems.
Describe organization function list
It is a document prepared for each organization shown on an organization chart to describe the specific major activities performed by that organization.
System analyst who understand the organization chart and its associated function list are better equipped to improve the efficiency of business system for which they are responsible.
List out the components of software
Software=Program+Documentation+Operating Procedures
Documentation –set of manuals in each phase
Operating procedures-set of manuals –user manuals and operating procedures,
Compare deliverables and milestones.
Different deliverables are generated during software development. The examples are source code, user manuals, operating procedure manuals etc.
The milestones are the events that are used to ascertain the status of the project. Finalization of specification is a milestone. Completion of design documentation is another milestone. The milestones are essential for project planning and management
Define requirement engineering
Requirement Engineering is the disciplined application of proven principles, methods, tools, and notations to describe a proposed system’s intended behavior and its associated constraints.
4 steps
Define LOC
A line of code is any line of program text that is not a comment or blank line, regardless of the number of statements or fragments of statements on the line. This specifically includes all lines containing program header, declaration, and executable and non-executable statements
What are the parts of design process
Conceptual design
Technical design
What is a test case?
Test and Test case terms are used interchangeably. In practice, both are same and are treated as synonyms. Test case describes an input description and an expected output description
List out software quality attributes
Differentiate between verification and validation
Verification is the process of evaluating a system or component to determine whether the products of a given development phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that phase.
Validation is the process of evaluating a system or component during or at the end of development process to determine whether it satisfies the specified requirements .
Compare alpha and beta testing
Alpha Tests are conducted at the developer’s site by some potential customers. These tests are conducted in a controlled environment. Alpha testing may be started when formal testing process is near completion.
Beta Tests are conducted by the customers / end users at their sites. Unlike alpha testing, developer is not present here. Beta testing is conducted in a real environment that cannot be controlled by the developer
Write any 3 duties of system analyst
To analyze business systems with problems and to design new or modified systems to solve those problems.
To develop business systems to meet new information or operational needs.
To prepare and maintain manuals to communicate company policies and procedures.
(6 x 3 = 18 Marks)
Section B
Answer any 4 questions. Each question carries 8 marks.
(Write in not less than 2 pages)
Illustrate the guidelines for preparing organization chart
Titles and approvals
Organization chart distribution
Information provided.
Define baseline specification
Performance specification
Design specification
System specification
Explain the characteristics of software.
✓ Software does not wear out.
✓ Software is not manufactured
✓ Reusability of components
✓ Software is flexible
Write about build and fix model
❖ Product is constructed without specifications or any attempt at design
❖ Adhoc approach and not well defined
❖ Simple two phase model
❖ Suitable for small programming exercises of 100 or 200 lines
❖ Unsatisfactory for software for any reasonable size
❖ Code soon becomes unfixable & unenhanceable
❖ No room for structured design
❖ Maintenance is practically not possible
Explain symbols used in DFD
Data Flow Diagrams
DFD show the flow of data through the system.
--All names should be unique
-- It is not a flow chart
-- Suppress logical decisions
-- Defer error conditions & handling until the end of the analysis
Data Flow Connect process
Process Perform some transformation of its
input data to yield output data.
Source or sink A source of system inputs or sink of system outputs
Data Store A repository of data, the arrowhead indicate net input and net outputs
DFD represent a system or software at any level of abstraction.
Write about Function point analysis
The principle of Albrecht’s function point analysis (FPA) is that a system is decomposed into functional units.
▪ Inputs : information entering the system
▪ Outputs : information leaving the system
▪ Enquiries : requests for instant access to information
▪ Internal logical files :information held within the
▪ External interface files : information held by other system
that is used by the system being analyzed.
Compare cohesion and coupling
Modularity is the single attribute of software that allows a program to be intellectually manageable.
It enhances design clarity, which in turn eases implementation, debugging, testing,documenting, and maintenance of software product.
Module Coupling
Coupling is the measure of the degree of interdependence between modules
Module Cohesion
Cohesion is a measure of the degree to which the elements of a module are functionally related.
Write about functional testing
5 testing techniques
21. Explain robustness testing
Robustness testing is usually done to test the exceptional handling. Example for robustness testing with invalid inputs: For example, when testing is done for test cases, nominal values are fixed as two variables and change the third value of the variable (4 x 8 = 32 Marks)
Section C
Answer up to 3 questions carrying 15 marks each. However, total marks for this section should not exceed 30 marks. Marks scored over 30 will be ignored
Define SDLC with a neat diagram
Define 4 phases
Management review
Baseline specification
Explain about different life cycle models
Build and fix
Incremental process
Prototyping model
Explain COCOMO in detail
Basic model
Intermediate model
25. Explain levels of texting
Unit testing
Integration testing
System testing
(Maximum 30 Marks)
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